Which Drink To Choose To Accompany Seafood?

Seafood doesn’t just taste good. It also contains essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the brain, heart, and immune system. Finding a decent seafood restaurant in Marseille may be relatively easy; the hard part is in finding the right fish and liquor pairing. This article serves as a quick guide on how to choose drinks to accompany seafood.

White or red wine?

Everyone has a preference when it comes to wine. However, as a rule of thumb, you should always pair fish with white wine. You can reach for a glass of red wine when taking heavier meats like lamb. Red wine has bitter compounds that will leave a strong taste when they interact with the oils in fish. Here are extra guidelines to follow when pairing wine with seafood:

  • Flaky cuts of fish will pair well with light white wine
  • If the seafood has a heavier texture, you can pick a rich white wine
  • Full-bodies white wines would be better for fish that falls somewhere in the middle of these two spectrums

It is also safe to always go for dry white wine.

Beers: Ale and lager

You can also pair fish with beers. If this is your go-to alcoholic drink, you should stick to lighter beers. Almost everyone accepts that simple malty lager works best with seafood, but you can also go for ales. Here are simple rules to follow when pairing seafood with beer:

  • If you’re taking fried food, you should pick highly carbonated beers.
  • Mexican light lagers are great for fish tacos.
  • Smoked seafood pairs perfectly with heavier malty beers like Scotch ales.
  • When taking grilled fish, you should go for mildly hoppy beers.
  • If you aren’t sure what to pick, go for altbiers. These go well with anything.

You can also pair fish with spirits. In this case, the main consideration would be your personal preference. You can explore different cocktails to get the sweetness, spice, and flavor you need.


Choosing a drink to accompany seafood shouldn’t be complicated. Traditionally, fish has been paired with white wine. If you don’t like wine, you can choose to pair seafood with ales, lagers, or even spirits. Cocktails like the Bloody Mary also go well with fish.